People of many tongues and generations may worship together and help each other grow in the Lord
through their individual gifts.
カナダ留学では、運よく多くの良いことを経験することが出来ました。英語の力が伸び、特別な人々との出会いやキリシタンの人々との交流等がありました。私の揺るぎない決意から、出来る限り多くのイベントや課外活動に参加しました。さらには、当初 8 カ月の英語プログラムだけで留学を終える予定でしたが、経営学をもっと学ぶために滞在期間を延長しました。
ピーターズ家は、父親のピーター、母親のスザンヌ、最年長のブレイクから、メリッサ、ダリル、最年少のジョシュの 4 人の子供がいます。兄弟みんなは自分とほぼ同じ世代です。彼らはいつも、外食や買い物、友達の家やキャンプ、国内旅行、アイスホッケーの試合観戦さえにも、連れて行ってくれました。家族みんなとするボードゲームが大好きでした。
私が信仰の決断に大きく影響したのは、カナダ人女性との関係にありました。彼女とは昨年6 月に別れることになりました。
おととし10月から交際し、関係が 9 ヶ月間くらい続きました。カナダでは 3 ヶ月、6 ヶ月間は離れていました。しかしある日、遠距離で彼女を傷つけないためにも、関係を終わらせなければなりませんでした。問題は痛く、避けられないものでした。別れた後も、私は何とか友情を修復と問題解決を試みました。しかし遠距離は思ったよりも難しく、すでに彼女の心を傷つけてしまっていたため、私の努力は無謀でした。完全に彼女の信頼を失ったかもしれないとも思いました。私たちなら困難な状況
コリント人への手紙 第一 13 4-7
Thank you for this precious opportunity and I am so thankful for this!
Please be my witnesses to see how God changed my life.
I grew up in Tonami city in Toyama with a normal family.
I am so thankful that my parents have been supporting me and my younger brother has been growing up into an adult. Except me, my family gets sick easily. Despite that, I cannot thank them enough as much as I should for their constant supports. Please pray for them.
When I was younger, I was a normal kid. I was ambivalent about my near future but at the same time thinking that everything would be alright. When in junior high school, I started to play soccer in a club and became negligent to study because I was addicted to online games.
My bad habit was to compare myself with others about abilities, skills, cleverness and amicableness.
I became discouraged and less confident by the comparison and my focus was switched to something like the games.
When in high school, I had difficult times like when I got bullied and ignored by some classmates one time. This experience also hurt my self-esteem and identity. Therefore, I easily gave up on playing soccer continuously any longer.
In my university, I put much effort on studying English and management. I once desired a more prestigious university in Gifu, but I failed the entrance exam. When I was looking for a full-time job, I desired some big companies for full-time, but I failed also. Fortunately, I was able to join a medical-drug wholesale company in Hokuriku and Tokai areas. I was so lucky and honored that I could get in such a historically respected company. I think my effort was worth it.
To sum up my past life so far, it seemed to be not that great. I once indulged myself in an easy life. I was always afraid of failures and disappointed in being such a coward. With a lot of my sins though, I thought this was not a life to the fullest if I lived without failures, struggles and hardships.
But after all, I desperately needed someone who can fill my heart and soul.
In the middle of the wilderness, I decided to go on a study abroad in Canada.
The biggest reason was my determination that I wanted to change and turn into a new person from the inside. In few years in Canada, many good things happened to me fortunately. I improved my English skills, encountered with special people and interactions with Christians. With my unshakable determination, I participated in as many events and activities as I could find. Ultimately, I extended the duration for my study of management in Canada although I was supposed to go back to Japan as soon as I finished my English program for 8 months.
Generously, my father supported it. I want to owe him so much more than his supports, as I thank him so much for this.
In Canada, I lived with my host family for the whole time. The family, Peters are devoted to Christianity. Peters consist of the father Peter, the mother Susanne, and 4 children of the oldest Blake, Melissa, Darryl and Josh the youngest. They are almost around my age.
They always took me to the places like restaurants, shopping, their friends’ houses, camping, trips to other cities and
even watching ice-hockey games. We enjoyed various board games with altogether. Even before I accepted the Lord, they welcomed me into their church and even prayed together at every meal.
Their church is in a different town called Coaldale where Peters family used to live in, not Lethbridge where I lived. At first, I went to the church with them for companies of friends and learning something new. Those friends whom I met at the special church have all become special people to me through Christ.
Although it was harder at first to understand everything about Christianity, my faith has become deeper and stronger since I met an elder man named George Ney. He is as an organizer at the biggest church in Lethbridge called Lethbridge Evangelical Free Church. He is also a helper of English teachings for immigrants at a welfare facility called Lethbridge Family Services. I met him when I joined an English teaching session at the same facility as a volunteer. He always tried to help me understand something about Christianity. He often invited me to Bible studies, potluck
feasts, English conversation café and even going out for coffee or lunch with him.
Mr. Ney has become the most influencer of my growing faith in Jesus.
What pushed me to the edge of my final decision was my last relationship with a Canadian girl.
We broke up last June. I dated her since October in 2018 and our relationship lasted for almost 9 months. Which was 3 months together in Canada and 6 months apart. It had to end not to hurt her by long distance. The problem was painful and unavoidable for us.
Even after the breakup, I tried to mend our friendship and solve the problem. But my efforts seemed pointless
since the problem was more difficult than I thought, and she already got hurt.
I thought I might have lost all her trust. Maybe I believed in her too much that we could’ve got over the difficult
I learned that once we already fell apart, it wouldn’t have gone back to where we started. Therefore, I once felt like I lost everything. I was so distressed at the time as if I forgot what is love, what is important in life, why I exist and who I am.
In the end, all that is left for me was only God.
So that I confessed my faith in Jesus to the pastor in Canada as God was talking to me personally and told me about His unconditional love.
I also remember what Mr. Ney told me when I was in Canada. He taught me, “God is always working in my life as the Holy Spirit.” Now I understand that any bad event or circumstance in the past never defines who I really am.
And God only knows who I am meant to be and going to be. While my faith in Jesus was growing, how God
guided me to the acceptance and commitment to Him was: through fellowships with those special people, through the process of learning lessons and moving on after bad things, and through simply seeking salvation by turning to God.
Since I was baptized in Jesus’ name, I want to seek His Kingdom where fills the world with more of our brothers and sisters, especially here in Japan.
I would also like to seek His truth through fellowships with others, because I believe love is the greatest of all as He told me. Regarding my job, I feel no need to stray or to fear failures anymore, because I finally came to
terms that this is the right way that I am meant to follow as God chose Himself. I also learned that
every job is the way of praising Him and planting seeds of God’s love.
To finish, thank you for listening.
I am always happy to be with you all here and praise God every time. As I close, my
favorite Bible verses are...
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient and kind. It is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.